International Women's Day Survey

As part of International Women’s Day, Bowls Scotland have launched a second Empowering Women in Bowls (EWiB) survey, aimed at the 16,500 current female players in Scotland. 

The first EWiB survey was launched last October aimed at gathering opinions, thoughts and perceptions of our wonderful game from female non-bowlers. One of the key recommendations from that survey was to continue to research female participation, including surveying existing female bowlers to gather their experiences, views and opinions. The results from the previous survey can be found here.

The new survey will take no longer than 10 minutes to complete and the closing date for submissions is Monday 29th March at 4pm. We are thankful to our partners, Taylor Bowls, for their continued support and they have kindly provided us with a £50 voucher which is up for grabs to one lucky survey respondent, picked at random.  All you have to do to enter is enter your email address when completing the survey

To complete the survey, please click here:

Our female role model key messages video is available to watch here: 

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