Have Your Say - Shaping the Game
Bowls Scotland is keen to hear your thoughts on a number of key areas of work as we plan ahead for 2019-2023.
We have faced a number of challenges over the last four years but have been very successful in many of the things we have delivered. For this success to continue, we need your help in shaping the game. This is your chance to be heard and to use your knowledge and experience to contribute to improve our great game.
Let us know what you think by filling in the survey online by Friday 19th October 2018.
Alternatively, you can download a copy of the survey here and return to the Bowls Scotland office by Friday 19th October 2018.
If you would like to expand on your thoughts, you can reach us via HaveYourSay@bowlsscotland.com.
We would really appreciate your time and thoughts on this important matter.