Following further communication with sportscotland and the Scottish Government we are delighted to inform our members and clubs that outdoor spectating at bowling clubs is now allowed within Phase Two subject to current physical distancing and good hygiene measures.
Our Guidance Document and FAQ’s have been updated to implement this change and we strongly encourage all our clubs that are already open or planning to re-open to read the updated guidelines.
We hope this is good news to our members and clubs as this will allow some extra social interaction at your local bowling club with friends and family. Of course, this still is not a return to our sport as we knew it before. Bowling is fortunate enough to be one of the sports that have been able to return as an extension to daily exercise guidelines to aid with physical activity and mental wellbeing.
We have also made further updates to our FAQ’s on what we mean by informal competitions and hope that this provides more clarity to everyone.
Our updated Guidance Document and FAQ’s are available to view on our website here -
Over 300 of our clubs have opened so far across the country which is great news. If your club has re-opened or planning to re-open please get in touch with us to let us know how you’re getting on via or by contacting your relevant National Development Officer:
Please rest assured that Bowls Scotland continues to liaise with the Scottish Government on the restrictions currently in place. Today’s First Ministers announcement outlined future key dates that could see further restrictions eased on our great sport. We will provide further updates to our Guidance Document as we move through Phase Two and into Phase Three.