Statement from Bowls Scotland Chair
Dear Clubs, Members and Partners,
Another month has passed, and we all continue to cope and adjust to the restrictions as a result of this unprecedented national emergency. We thank all our clubs and members who continue to stay at home, slow the spread of the virus and allow our fantastic NHS to cope and save lives.
We know how difficult and challenging this time has been, however we are heartened to see our clubs supporting each other and their local communities. We have all enjoyed the virtual opening days, motivation Mondays and other good news stories that continue to keep us all positive and hopeful for a return to our wonderful game soon.
Bowls Scotland continue to provide advice, support, and guidance to our bowling clubs through our published FAQ’s, Newsletters, Club Helpline, Hints and Tips on Expenditure, and Club Updates. Our Development Team have been supporting clubs accessing funding and I would encourage all clubs to get in touch with our National Development Officers, Lawra, Daniel and Stuart who are always here to help.
We launched a COVID-19 Club Survey to help us better understand the challenges clubs are facing or likely to face during this unprecedented period and to identify any additional support and guidance we can provide to help. A big thank you to the 520 clubs who have responded so far, we appreciate you taking the time to do this. Please if you have not already submitted a response, please do so.
We were saddened to hear that many of members and wider Scottish bowling community have been unwell as a result of COVID-19. Our bowling family has lost some exceptional human beings and everyone at Bowls Scotland send our thoughts and love to the families who have lost their most precious people. We cannot begin to imagine how that feels but please know that we are thinking about you all at this time.
I want to reassure the bowling community that when restrictions are eased, we will work with the Scottish Government, sportscotland and our clubs to risk assess how our sport, at both grassroots and high performance level, can return safely with the appropriate safeguards in place.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the CEO and staff for continuing to do a fantastic job under these difficult and different circumstances.
On behalf of everyone at Bowls Scotland thank you for your resilience, support, and patience.
Sue Beatt
Chair, Bowls Scotland