Try Bowls Case Study - Allandale BC
Earlier in the year we shared a club story on Allandale BC in District 10, they have already hosted a community Try Bowls event to welcome newcomers to the club and the sport of bowls.
The club advertised the day using social media as well as more traditional methods such as leaflet drops and flyers. National Development Officer, Stuart Bell and Tutor Brian Logan provided assistance and advice on activities to set up on the green during the day. Using fun games and targets to introduce newcomers to various shots and techniques can be much more effective than going straight into a game of bowls.

Over 60 people attended the open event and feedback was really positive focussing on the warm welcome and fun activities available for the whole family. Stephen Grant from Allandale said after the event:
“We gained 6 new members from the day, we also have interest from others for coaching who would consider joining the club. There were plenty of kids on the day, and as well as work in local primary schools, we are looking to offer junior coaching during the summer holidays.”
We look forward to hearing about continued membership growth from Allandale as they host coaching sessions for new members and those interested in trying bowls for the rest of 2022.

Find out more about Try Bowls here or speak to your NDO.