Bowls Scotland launches Honours Panel

Bowls Scotland wishes to discover more about individuals who have made significant contributions to the sport in Scotland, as well as support nominations for those who are being put forward for Scottish and UK Honours Awards in sport.

The aims of this panel are:

  • To make it accessible to submit nominations for recognition for those who have made significant contributions to bowls in Scotland.
  • To raise awareness of the awards throughout the bowls community.
  • To add value and insight to the annual awards and also suggest new awards to recognise those outstanding in their areas.
  • To inform, nominate and provide recommendations for honours other than Bowls Scotland awards, eg Queens Honours, Scottish sports awards etc.

Purpose of the Panel

The panel will co-ordinate, recommend to the Board and support the aims identified above.

Key Role/Responsibility of the Panel

  • To inform submissions and provide recommendations to the Board of Bowls Scotland in relation to various honours and awards in Scottish sport;
  • To assist Bowls Scotland in promoting the awards process;
  • To uphold the credibility, integrity and confidentiality of the awards process.

Membership of the Panel

Nominations for the Bowls Scotland Honours Panel can be made by members of a Bowls Scotland member club, the Board or the staff. The Panel’s membership aims to have a broad oversight of contributions towards grassroots/volunteering within bowls. Nominations for the Panel must be submitted by the secretary/chairperson/president of the member’s club.

The panel will comprise three to five members covering a spectrum of experience in and across bowls, as detailed within the candidate and panel specification below.

The Board will review all nominations received for membership of the Honours Panel, with the Board deciding on the membership; the Board’s decision on this will be final.

The panel will be chaired by a Director of the Board as a standing member of the Panel who will be available as required to support Panel members. In the event of a split decision on nominations, the Chair of the panel has the authority to have the final or casting decision. Ultimately, the Board will ratify the nominations.

The tenure for Panel members will be a maximum of three years, with the first Panel operating two- and three-year terms to ensure continuity within the Panel in the longer term.

Candidate & Panel Specification

Frequency of Meetings

The Panel will meet once (or more if required) each session (three sessions per year) to review all nominations. Due to the heavily confidential nature of the awards process, papers will be provided to Panel members at the meeting and will be collected for shredding after the meeting. No member should leave the meeting with any papers.

Conflicts of Interest

Panel members will be appointed due to their awareness and understanding of bowls in Scotland. Therefore, it is recognised that Panel members may, at times, know or be aware of one or more of the nominees to be considered by the Panel. The breadth of knowledge of the Panel is a key attribute and so the Panel will aim to work around such circumstances as they arise. At the beginning of each Panel meeting all Panel members must notify the Panel Chair if they know of any of the individuals to be considered by the Panel. The Panel Chair will then agree with the Panel how to progress with each individual situation.

How to Apply

If you would like to apply to be on the Bowls Scotland Honours Panel, please send a CV and covering letter marked private and confidential to by Friday 22nd June 2018.


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