Bowls Scotland Online Video Meeting Guide
To enable Bowls Scotland to continue to work remotely, we have been utilising various online communication platforms as a method of hosting group conference calls and meetings online. Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Adobe Connect and Go To Meetings are all extremely popular ways for people to stay connected at a time when working remotely is essential for the majority of organisations
However, you can also use these platforms to help stay connected with your members and families too!
With a lot of our clubs getting in touch to ask about online meeting platforms and how to set up and run a virtual committee meeting, we asked Daniel Baker, one of our National Development Officers to create a video to help clubs set up an online meeting. This online video meeting guide for clubs can be watched here:
There is also a really helpful video from the Scottish Sports Association here:
**Zoom Meetings is one of many online platforms available, there is no preference or endorsement by Bowls Scotland and clubs should use whatever platform is suitable to their needs.**