After consultation with the Scottish Government and sportscotland, further restrictions have been eased which now allows external sporting competitions to return in Scotland under restricted formats. This is applicable to lawn bowls and we have produced guidelines for the following competitions:

  • Adult Open Singles Competitions
  • Adult Household Pairs, Triples or Fours Open Competitions
  • Junior (Under 17) Singles, Pairs, Triples or Fours Open Competitions
  • Internal Club One-Day Competitions 
  • Club Friendlies 
  • Club Ties/Championships

We have continued to work with sportscotland and are delighted to release our approved Open Competitions Guidance Document.

All Bowls Scotland member clubs must adhere to these guidelines to ensure the safety of their members and visiting players. This will allow everyone to enjoy competitive play as we continue our restricted return to bowls.

Our message remains clear that this is not a return to our sport as we knew it before. Everyone’s health and wellbeing is the most important priority and we all have a responsibility to follow the guidelines and continue to reduce the spread of the virus.

To view our full Competitions Guidance Document, please click here -

All open/invitation tournaments held in Scotland must be licensed by Bowls Scotland. An open tournament is any tournament open to members out with your club. Notices advertising open events should clearly indicate that the event is “licensed by Bowls Scotland”.

All open competitions must have a Tournament License approved prior to the competition taking place. To complete a Tournament License Application please click here.

If you have any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact your relevant National Development Officer:

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