Ardrossan Club Networking Event Cancelled

Bowls Scotland have unfortunately taken the decision to cancel the Regional Club Networking Event at Ardrossan IBC on Saturday 21st March.  

The welfare of our club members and staff is a top priority and we feel with the Scottish Governments announcement that ‘Scotland is planning for the likelihood of a significant outbreak’ of the coronavirus that we needed to make this decision.

We understand that this will be disappointing for everyone involved, especially around the PVG session, so we have put in place this plan of action:

  • Name
  • Club
  • Address
  • Which PVG form you need – New to the Scheme or Scheme Update (you already have a PVG through another organisation)



  • We will deliver an online Webinar Session on Wednesday 1st April, 7-8pm to answer any questions you have on PVG’s and Safeguarding. Please email to book your place.

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