COVID-19 CLUB CRISIS FUND - Second Round of Funding Open
Bowls Scotland has launched a second round of the Club Crisis Fund to provide support to clubs that find themselves in financial difficulties as a direct result of COVID-19. Clubs can apply for £500 or £1000, with the main aim of the fund to help clubs to stabilise and manage cash flows over the winter period.
The Club Crisis Fund is open to all our member clubs, however we will prioritise:
• Clubs with low levels of cash reserves
• Clubs at risk of losing their facilities
• Clubs ineligible or unsuccessful in receiving external grant funding
• Clubs in areas of high social deprivation
For this second cohort of crisis fund applications, we have moved to a two-step process to ensure clubs in the most need are financially supported. To help us assess if your club meets the criteria for application, please submit the Note of interest form to your National Development Officer:
• Districts 1 to 10: Stuart Bell - or 07525 134385
• Districts 11 to 24: Daniel Baker - or 07821 118774
• Districts 25 to 32: Lawra Cox - or 07715 025736
Bowls Scotland Chair, Sue Beatt, said: “At the start of COVID-19 the Bowl Scotland Board released £50,000 to help our clubs who were most in need of financial support. We were pleased to support 23 clubs with funding in the first cohort, totalling just over £16,000, and we are delighted to be able to offer another round of funding to support clubs through the winter months.
“Bowling clubs in Scotland play a massive role in connecting local communities. It is our duty to protect our clubs and allow them to have a sustainable future where our wonderful game continues to thrive. I would like to encourage clubs that are in need of financial assistance or have been unable to obtain any external funding to apply for the Club Crisis Fund.
“Our National Development Officers, Lawra, Stuart and Daniel continue to offer invaluable support and advice to our clubs and will be there to support clubs throughout the club crisis fund process.”
The Bowls Scotland Club Crisis Fund Note of Interest Form can be found on our website at