Prostate Cancer UK Try Bowls Day

Our official partners, Prostate Cancer UK, visited Woodend Bowling and Lawn Tennis Club last week to take part in a Try Bowls day.

A team of 7 staff members from Prostate Cancer came along to the event to try out the sport of bowls with some fun games, learning the basic aspects of the sport and the great social side that comes with it. They also shared the experiences of the excellent work they do to help raise awareness of Prostate cancer amongst all men.

Across the UK, Prostate cancer is the most common cancer amongst men - 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with Prostate cancer in their lifetime. It is a disease that affects every bowling club in Scotland; One man dies every 45 minutes from Prostate cancer - that’s two men every 15-end game of bowls.

This has been the first year of the partnership between Bowls Scotland and Prostate Cancer UK and so far the support the charity has received from our clubs and members has been great.

If you or your club would like to help out or find out the different ways in which you can raise funds then please find more information on the following link:

You can also watch the video on the event on the following link:


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