Statement from Bowls Scotland Chair

Dear Clubs, Members and Partners,

The past few weeks have been very difficult and different for all of us. In addition to competitions and events being cancelled and our bowling clubs closing, we are all facing personal, health and financial challenges throughout these still uncertain times. We know that our members have looked to us for support, advice and recommendations. Rest assured, Bowls Scotland remains open for business, not quite as usual, but we will continue to provide the support and advice needed.

With Government advice and guidance to stay indoors, we will all take time to adjust. Our membership can particularly be affected at this time and we would encourage our clubs to continue to connect with their most vulnerable members, perhaps via phone call or letter. Our development team are still available to support clubs via email, phone, webinars and virtual meetings. We will also continue to update our FAQ’s and advice and support online. Social media has been an invaluable tool and we will continue to use this to encourage clubs to share good practice and stay connected.

It’s going to take time to understand what all of this change and uncertainty means for us in the longer term, however, bowling will open up again in time, and we will do all we can to support you in preparing to get back on the green when the opportunity arrives.

The Board of Directors will continue to hold weekly meetings throughout this unprecedented situation. This will allow us to regularly update our key targets to assist our clubs and members in this time of need.

On behalf of everyone at Bowls Scotland, thank you for your continued patience and support.

Sue Beatt

Chair, Bowls Scotland


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