Club – Northwest Kilmarnock BC.

Area Covered - North Ayrshire.

How you got into Bowls - I have been involved in bowling for around 50 years. My dad and his dad, my mum and my sisters were members of my first bowling club at Hurlford BC. It’s certainly in my blood.

Why you wanted to be a TBA - I only got back into bowling around two years ago and just want to give something back to our communities. Lawn bowls is the one sport that is open to all, it doesn’t matter if anyone has a mental or physical disability, or what age they are, or any other perceived differences. Bowls is open to all, and Try Bowls is an excellent method of promoting our sport.

What would you say to encourage people to try bowls - Try it! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain and you will be fully supported. Bowls is excellent for your physical and mental health.

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